WSMP Commissions  

For the Fifth Anniversary of our Wildflower Composers Commission, the Women's Sacred Music Project selected Gabriella Cariddo. Her chamber work, "Pierced by the Light," for SSAA Choir and Organ, will be premiered in 2025! 

Gabriella Cariddo

2024 Wildflower Composers Commission Recipient

Gabriella Cariddo (age 20) is a harpsichordist and composer from New York City interested in exploring historical performance practice and composing tonal music in the 21st century. She is a graduate of the Special Music School as well as Manhattan School of Music’s precollege program. Gabriella currently is pursuing a triple degree at Eastman School of Music and the University of Rochester in Music Theory, Religion, and German while also studying harpsichord with Edoardo Bellotti. As a composer, Gabriella aims to incorporate her knowledge of early music techniques into her original works and bring new light to ideas that have been lost to history.